Everything but the cleanse, that is. And the house selling. And flu season. Oh well, maybe the only thing that's moving quickly is Max's development. He hasn't even gotten crawling down completely and he's starting to pull up! He'll crawl over toward me and try to pull up in my lap and I'll hold my hands out for him. He grabs my fingers and stands up with no assistance from me. He's sitting up from lying down very well, too. Naturally, with all these developments he's not really all that interested in pottying. I can sit him on the potty for 5 minutes and he won't go, but as soon as I put him down in his diaper and he starts crawling, he goes. He did manage to get a little poop in the potty this morning, but that was all, and then he went the rest in his diaper. I'm still persevering, though. I know it will pass.
Today is day 7 on the cleanse. One week down, 2 more to go, and I am so sick of vegetables today. Especially raw ones. So I made a stew today. It's perfect stew weather outside, 60ish degrees and overcast, and I know I can eat a TON of stew. So I just put about 3/4 pound of meat in it, with vegetable broth, onion, garlic cabbage, green beans, tomatoes, and carrots. I didn't put in potatoes because I don't want to have to pick them out. It was really good; I've already had 3 bowls and I know it's really good for me with it being mainly veggies. (I do miss the cornbread, though!) The past couple of days I've not had so much raw veggies, I've been roasting them so Max can have some too. Roasted asparagus is really good...I was surprised by that and ended up eating the whole bunch by myself (except I gave 2 to Max). Roasted broccoli, not so much. Maybe it's because I had made myself nearly sick eating the yummy squash apple soup I made yesterday. I've really been enjoying the smoothies so I try to put spinach in there as much as possible. I wish they weren't bothering Max though. Still thinking about how I can fix that, I don't know how the cleanse will be as effective without that SP Complete. It seems to be the main component. He seems to feel pretty good, although now I think his semi-snotty nose is probably due to the milk protein and probably the mucus in his poops.
I finished season 2 of The Office and started season 3 (on hulu.com) and it's getting really good. I'm glad I made it through the first season, but I honestly don't know how that show made it past. It was really quite painful to watch.
I got a couple of packages from amazon.com today, I bought Max a placemat that suction cups to the table (boy, how we need that!) and a little wooden hippo pull toy:
http://www.amazon.com/Melissa-Doug-Deluxe-Happy-Hippo/dp/B000GZCCQE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1254951503&sr=8-1I'm going to try to wait until Christmas to give it to him, but I'll probably end up not making it.
I'm going to try to post some pictures soon, I need to get some ones of him showing off his teeth, but those are hard to come by!