The last couple of days have been not as easy as the first 2 as far as cravings, but I knew that was coming. Yesterday I made a curried okra stew from Cindy's recipe but after all the curried lentils from the first couple of days, I'm kind of sick of curry. I think I'll freeze it for later and lay off curry for a while. I'm hoping today I'll be better able to resist eating bad stuff as I'm not at work. Yesterday those sour gummy bats I gave Lauren were staring at me and tempting me all day! I did prevail, however, even though I didn't drink as much water or eat as much vegetables as I had hoped.
Max has been getting some dry skin on his legs, I thought it was carpet irritation from his attempts at crawling, but it's not only on his's also on his face. So I'm thinking it's due to the whey protein in the SP Complete that I'm using in my smoothies. If it keeps getting worse I may have to do something about that. I'm kinda bummed because I had a couple of samples that I tried before I bought all the supplements and it didn't bother him, so I thought he was over it. I guess it takes a while for it to start bothering him. As long as it's just kinda dry and not an actual rash I'll keep trucking with the cleanse. Also, he's been having more poop lately...and of course I haven't been able to catch most. Last night he filled 2 diapers in rapid succession, but he didn't want to go on the potty right before that as usual. This morning he woke up at 4:30 and after unsuccessfully trying to get him back to sleep I just got up with him and took him to potty. He peed but no poop. After bringing him into the living room for a while to play, wham-o. Another one. I think this also may be due to the milk protein because it has more of a watery component than normal. Sorry if that's TMI, but I get to give TMI on my blog if I want to. :) Before, he had been going just once a day usually, and that was much easier to manage.
See said crawling here:
He's still doing well with his eating, although he hasn't been wanting to eat as much since his teeth have started bothering him again. He did have some mashed potatoes this weekend with his PawPaw and some applesauce at his MamMaw's...he loved both, of course! He would grab the loaded spoon and help guide it into his mouth.
Last night was sweet potatoes, one of his favorite foods, but he was more interested in blowing raspberries (one of his favorite activities):
2 years on Bright Line Eating - Update
4 years ago
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