Let me backtrack to this past Tuesday when I took Max to the park. I think I got up wrong from the picnic blanket and hurt my back. That night I had some back pain. I am no stranger to back pain so it wasn't a big deal. Next day, everything was fine, packing Max around and doing what I needed to do, ignoring the mild back pain. I just modified what I did. I also got an adjustment at the chiropractor and went to visit my friend Nancy. Work Thursday was okay, and I went to King Tut as planned, Max in his sling, no back pain. Went to bed, fine. Woke up, fine.
I had planned on going back to the chiropractor Friday and taking my mom to lunch with Nancy and my wonderful midwife, Ann. Well, I sat down to nurse Max on the couch and found I couldn't get up. So I handed the babe to mom and proceeded to attempt standing up. AGONY! It took me several minutes to get to the car. Once I got in I was fine, though.
When I got to the doctor's office my mom took Max in to Mae, who was wondering who this lady was bringing her a baby to hold! Mom and Vicki came out to the car to help me in. I was having trouble even putting my right foot down, it hurt so badly. Dr. Jim Bob put the laser on me and adjusted me, using the percussor to loosen up muscles. He said my hips were rotated like crazy and had a ton of inflammation in the joint (that's what the laser was helping with). All this time I'm trying to joke and stau upbeat but it was so hard. This was a whole new level of pain. Not to mention Max was wanting to nurse during all this, so he stood me up on the "flying table" and leaned me back and I was able to feed him standing up. After this treatment, I was able to stand and walk fine, and he said to come back after lunch, before I left town (his office is an hour from home).
We met Ann, Nancy, and Cindy at McAllister's and again I was having some pain getting out of the car and walking, but it was much better than before. At least no one had to hold me up! During lunch it started getting worse and Ann even had to help me to the bathroom! Luckily she's seen it all before! I hated that I was zero company at lunch, sorry ladies! I had to feed Max in the car before we could leave, then Mom drove us back to the office.
Dr. Jim Bob took an X-ray of my back once I got there, and this was so sad/comical/painful. He helped me back to the room and gave me a broomstick to lean on. I felt like an old woman. After the X-ray we trudged back to the exam room and he worked on my hips some more. Upon developing the X-ray he learned that my hips were rotated the opposite direction than he had originally thought, so now he could really know how to fix me. I felt much better after this adjustment, but was so very sore. I got an icepack for my back, some homeopathic ointment and also some homeopathic capsules to help with inflammation. I think those make me nauseated. Oh well.
Fast forward to when we get back to the house, John has to come and help me to the car, Conga-line style. He hates seeing me in pain, especially when there's not a whole lot he can do. So I can tell he's worried and he's calling for a steroid shot, STAT! I, however, have faith in what we have done and just want to get to the bed. This is about 3:00 p.m. and this has been going on now for 6 hours. I am getting exhausted, emotionally and physically, from being in so much pain. So I lay down in bed with my icepack. The rest of the evening pretty much goes by in a blur of fitful sleep and pain.
Let me just make a point of how agonizing this was. If you've never had a back spasm, count your blessings. It is like the Apocalypse. No, I take that back. The Apocalypse would almost be better because there's always the chance you could die in the Apocalypse. With back spasms, you just have to wish you were dead. And, not to mention, with all the water they told me I should be drinking, there's no chance I got to lay in the bed all night. No sirree! I had to push through spasms just to get off the bed and upright, to the bathroom, and to the toilet. And you'd think it would be okay there. I did. No way; the very act of emptying my bladder sent my back into severe spasms. Now that's an interesting position to be in. Then, to get back up, walk back to the bed (conga-line, thanks John!) and up into our (very high!) bed...excruciating!
About 9:00 I did have to give in and turn to some pharmaceutical help. I know JB and Cindy will be disappointed that I did, but I had taken all I could by that point. I couldn't agonize until....whenever. It did help, and this morning I am still having some spasms, but they don't seem to last as long or be as frequent. I am very, very sore. JB said I would be.
I really hate not being able to take care of myself/my son/my household. Not that I'm the most industrious at the household goings-on, but still...I'd like to at least have the physical capabilities of doing so! Thank God my mom is staying to help with Max and do household stuff while John pretty much takes care of me.
I was supposed to be going to Conroe today to see my great-Aunt, but there was no way with this going on, was I making a 4.5 hour road trip one way, in one day. I am also supposed to be at work tomorrow. I don't see that happening, but we are praying for a healing here. If you are so inclined, please pray for me!
In more happy news, let's talk about Max! The picture I posted last was so cute, was it not? So I said I'd post how much he weighs...15.4 pounds! Yep, that's right folks, my 3-month old weighs over 15 pounds. We grow 'em big around here!
2 years on Bright Line Eating - Update
4 years ago
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